Optical constants of Xe (Xenon)
Bideau-Mehu et al. 1981: n 0.140–0.623 µm
Complex refractive index (n+ik)
Derived optical constants
Dispersion formula
$$n-1=\frac{0.00322869}{46.301-λ^{-2}}+\frac{0.00355393}{59.578-λ^{-2}}+\frac{0.0606764}{112.74-λ^{-2}}$$Conditions & Spec sheet
n_is_absolute: true temperature: 0 °C pressure: 101325 Pa
Standard conditions: 0 °C, 760 torr (101.325 kPa).
1) A. Bideau-Mehu, Y. Guern, R. Abjean, A. Johannin-Gilles. Measurement of refractive indices of neon, argon, krypton and xenon in the 253.7-140.4 nm wavelength range. Dispersion relations and estimated oscillator strengths of the resonance lines. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 25, 395-402 (1981)
2) J. Koch. Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapets i Lund Förhandlingar (Proceedings of the Royal Physiographic Society at Lund) 19, 173 (1949)
* Sellmeier formula is derived by the authors of ref. 1 using their own data in the 0.1404-0.2537 μm range combined with data from ref. 2 at longer wavelengths.
** A misprint is corrected in the Sellmeier formula: "50.578" is replaced by "59.578" in the denominator of the second term.