
Refractive index database

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Optical constants of TlBr (Thallium bromide)
Schröter 1931: n 0.54–0.65 µm

Wavelength: µm

Complex refractive index (n+ik)[ i ]

n   k   LogX   LogY   eV

Derived optical constants

Dispersion formula



H. Schröter. Über die Brechungsindizes einiger Schwermetallhalogenide im Sichtbaren und die Berechnung von Interpolationsformeln für den Dispersionsverlauf (On the refractive indices of some heavy-metal halides in the visible and calculation of interpolation formulas for dispersion). Z. Phys. 67, 24-36 (1931) [in German]


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Additional information

About Thallium bromide

Thallium bromide (TlBr) is a crystalline compound with interesting properties that make it suitable for radiation detection applications. It possesses a wide bandgap and high atomic numbers for both thallium and bromine, characteristics that enhance its performance as a gamma-ray detector. Additionally, TlBr detectors exhibit high energy resolution and are suitable for high-temperature operations. Due to its potential in radiation detection, TlBr has attracted attention in the field of nuclear medicine and security. However, the material's long-term stability and potential toxicity from thallium content require careful consideration during usage and handling.

Other names and variations:
  • TlBr
  • Thallium(I) bromide