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Optical constants of TiN (Titanium nitride)
Shkondin et al. 2017: Annealed at 800 °C; n,k 0.211–1.69 µm

Wavelength: µm

Complex refractive index (n+ik)[ i ]

n   k   LogX   LogY   eV

Derived optical constants


film_thickness: 1.05E-7
substrate: Si
annealing_temperature: 1073


105 nm thick titanium nitride (TiN) film on Si substrate annealed at 800 °C.


E. Shkondin, T. Repän, O. Takayama, A. V. Lavrinenko. High aspect ratio titanium nitride trench structures as plasmonic biosensor. Opt. Mater. Express 7, 4171-4182 (2017) (Numerical data kindly provided by Osamu Takayama)


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Additional information

About Titanium nitride

Titanium nitride (TiN) is a hard ceramic material characterized by its golden appearance. Due to its high hardness and resistance to wear, TiN is commonly used as a coating on tools, such as drill bits and end mills, to extend their life and improve their performance. The coating also exhibits a low coefficient of friction, which reduces galling and seizing. Moreover, its corrosion resistance makes it suitable for biomedical applications, such as coatings on surgical instruments and orthopedic implants. In electronics, TiN serves as a barrier layer between metals in integrated circuits. It's typically deposited using physical vapor deposition (PVD) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques. Additionally, its metallic luster and gold hue make it a popular decorative coating for architectural and consumer products.

Other names and variations:
  • TiN
  • Tinite
  • TiNite