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Optical constants of Si3N4, SiN (Silicon nitride)
Vogt 2015: Non-stoichiometric SiN #2; n,k 0.25-1.7 µm

Wavelength: µm

Complex refractive index (n+ik)[ i ]

n   k   LogX   LogY   eV

Derived optical constants


film_thickness: 6.7E-8
substrate: Si


67 nm thick silicon-nitride (SiN) film on a polished Si wafer. n = 2.09 @ 633 nm. Room temperature.


M. R. Vogt. Development of physical models for the simulation of optical properties of solar cell modules, PhD. Thesis (2015)


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About Silicon nitride

Silicon nitride (Si3N4) is a synthetic, high-performance ceramic material known for its impressive mechanical properties even at elevated temperatures. It exhibits excellent thermal shock resistance, and its hardness makes it resistant to wear and abrasion. In the realm of electronics, it's utilized as an insulator and as a dielectric for advanced microelectronics applications due to its electrical properties. Owing to its resistance to oxidation and chemical corrosion, it's also used in challenging environments, such as in the manufacturing of ball bearings, turbine blades, and other engine components. Additionally, in the optical domain, silicon nitride is transparent in the infrared range and has been studied for potential uses in optoelectronic devices. Its combination of strength, temperature resistance, and electrical properties make it a sought-after material for various high-tech applications.

Other names and variations:
  • Si3N4