
Refractive index database

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Optical constants of Mg (Magnesium)
Vidal-Dasilva et al. 2010: n,k 0.000954–0.0496 µm

Wavelength: µm

Complex refractive index (n+ik)[ i ]

n   k   LogX   LogY   eV

Derived optical constants

Conditions & Spec sheet

n_is_absolute: true
wavelength_is_vacuum: true


Density: 1.738 g/cm3. Film deposited at room temperature.


M. Vidal-Dasilva, A. L. Aquila, E. M. Gullikson, F. Salmassi and J. I. Larruquert. Optical constants of magnetron-sputtered magnesium films in the 25-1300 eV energy range, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063517 (2010) (Numerical data kindly provided by Juan Larruquert)


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Magnesium, Mg

Magnesium (Mg) is a lightweight, silvery-white alkaline earth metal that is commonly found in nature, often in the form of minerals like dolomite and magnesite. Optically, magnesium is mostly utilized for its reflective properties. Its alloy forms, particularly with aluminum, are used to produce ultralight mirrors for astronomical instruments. Furthermore, these magnesium alloys are beneficial in the fabrication of mobile electronic devices, cameras, and lightweight vehicles due to their low density. In its pure form, magnesium is quite reactive, but the formation of an oxide layer on its surface helps protect it from further reactions in ambient conditions. Magnesium's potential for optical applications is limited but noteworthy in specific niches.

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