
Refractive index database

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Optical constants of Kr (Krypton)
Bideau-Mehu et al. 1981: n 0.140–0.623 µm

Wavelength: µm

Complex refractive index (n+ik)[ i ]

n   k   LogX   LogY   eV

Derived optical constants

Dispersion formula


Conditions & Spec sheet

n_is_absolute: true
temperature: 0 °C
pressure: 101325 Pa


Standard conditions: 0 °C, 760 torr (101.325 kPa).


1) A. Bideau-Mehu, Y. Guern, R. Abjean, A. Johannin-Gilles. Measurement of refractive indices of neon, argon, krypton and xenon in the 253.7-140.4 nm wavelength range. Dispersion relations and estimated oscillator strengths of the resonance lines. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 25, 395-402 (1981)

2) J. Koch. Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapets i Lund Förhandlingar (Proceedings of the Royal Physiographic Society at Lund) 19, 173 (1949)

* Sellmeier formula is derived by the authors of ref. 1 using their own data in the 0.1404-0.2537 μm range combined with data from ref. 2 at longer wavelengths.


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Krypton, Kr

Krypton (Kr) is a noble gas with limited chemical reactivity, but it has several important applications in the field of optics. It is used as a fill gas in various types of gas lasers, including krypton-ion lasers, which produce light in the visible and ultraviolet spectra. These lasers are employed in applications ranging from scientific research to entertainment. Krypton is also used in fluorescent lamps and as a trace gas in double- or triple-pane window insulation to reduce heat transfer. It is generally safe to handle but can act as a simple asphyxiant in high concentrations.

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