
Refractive index database

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Optical constants of CaMoO4 (Calcium molybdate)
Bond 1965: n(e) 0.45–3.8 µm

Wavelength: µm

Complex refractive index (n+ik)[ i ]

n   k   LogX   LogY   eV

Derived optical constants

Dispersion formula [ i ]



Extraordinary ray (e). Room temperature.


1) W. L. Bond. Measurement of the refractive indices of several crystals. J. Appl. Phys. 36, 1674-1677 (1965)
2) Handbook of Optics, 3rd edition, Vol. 4. McGraw-Hill 2009
* Ref. 2 provides a dispersion formula based on data from ref. 1


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Additional information

About Calcium molybdate

Calcium molybdate (CaMoO4) is an inorganic compound with a tetragonal crystal structure, widely used as a scintillator material for radiation detection applications. It exhibits a high density, good thermal stability, and strong resistance to radiation damage. When doped with rare-earth ions or other activators, CaMoO4 can demonstrate enhanced scintillation efficiency, making it particularly useful for gamma-ray and X-ray detection. Its optical properties, including a moderate refractive index and wide bandgap, have also led to its exploration as a host material for solid-state laser applications. The compound can be synthesized through various methods such as solid-state reaction, hydrothermal processes, or co-precipitation. It's worth noting that its non-hygroscopic nature allows for easy handling and long-term stability. Overall, the favorable physical and optical properties of calcium molybdate make it a material of interest in both scientific research and practical applications, particularly in the fields of radiation detection and optoelectronics. Mineral: Powellite

Other names and variations:
  • CaMoO4
  • Powellite