Optical constants of CRYSTRAN - Optical materials
BaF2 - Barium fluoride
Complex refractive index (n+ik)
Derived optical constants
Barium Fluoride is grown by vacuum Stockbarger technique. Unlike CaF2, BaF2 is not found in the native state and all material must be synthesised chemically making BaF2 relatively expensive to produce. Barium Fluoride cleaves easily and is highly susceptible to thermal shock. It polishes well and can be etched (5). The highest purity Barium Fluoride VUV material can be qualified as fast scintillator grade (6). The highest purity Barium Fluoride VUV material can be qualified as fast scintillator grade (6).
(1) Handbook Optical Constants, ed Palik, V3, ISBN 0-12-544423-0
(2) I.H.Malitson; J.Opt.Soc.Am. Vol52, p1377, 1962
(3) D.Girlich; Elastic Constants of BaF2; Phys.Rev. Vol135, p1826, 1964
(4) S.Ballard et al; J.Opt.Soc.Am. Vol42, p684, 1952
(5) US patent. Chemical polish. 4,040,896 1977
(6) M.Laval et al; Nu. Insts.Meth, V206 p169, 1983
Crystran Ltd.
The Crystran handbook of infra-red and ultra-violet optical materials (5th edition, 2023)
See also
Crystran BaF2 online data sheet
Additional information
Properties of BaF2 - Barium fluoride
density: - value: 4890 thermal_dispersion: - type: constant value: -1.52E-5 thermal_expansion: - temperature: 273 value: 1.81E-5 hardness: - type: Knoop value: 804000000 melting_point: - value: 1641 thermal_conductivity: - temperature: 286 value: 11.72 youngs_modulus: - value: 53070000000 poissons_ratio: - value: 0.343 solubility: - temperature: 296 value: 1.7